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Rabu, 25 Juli 2007


A few fortunate, and likely quite popular men, have learned to make ejaculation voluntary. This means they can last a long time and come when they want to. Most however ejaculate involuntarily—perhaps prematurely, that is, before they or their partner are ready for it.

Coming too soon may be due to a physical medical condition, but this is not common. Most men who ejaculate prematurely do so because of learned behavior and sexual beliefs, or because they haven’t discovered the simple techniques that can help them last.

In order to make ejaculation completely voluntary, a man must learn to do two things. First he must learn to keep his entire body relaxed regardless of how sexually aroused he becomes. Second he must learn to move the sexual charge that builds up during lovemaking away from his genitals and circulate that energy throughout his entire body.


Men usually tense their bodies as ejaculation approaches. This is a natural involuntary reflex, but by deliberately applying some of the following relaxation techniques you can become skilled at letting go and staying loose even at intense levels of sexual arousal.

Few things enable a man to be as profoundly relaxed as a loving erotic full-body massage. Women can help men get out of their heads and into their bodies by giving them a massage as a prelude to intercourse. Most men will notice a significant improvement in their ability to delay ejaculation after receiving a massage. Not only does massage help relax your body, it also opens up your flow of energy so that the sexual charge does not get stuck in your genitals.

Stop And Become Still Or Slow Down
Before you get to the point of no return, try slowing or stopping all movement. This usually works every time. Wait for the energy and excitement to subside and then you can resume active lovemaking.

Breathe Slowly And Deeply
As you come close to climax, switch your attention away from your genitals onto your breath. Take slow deep breaths that fill your entire lungs. Make your exhalation last about as long as your inhalation. Let your body go loose. Open your eyes and make eye contact with your partner. Try to breathe in rhythm together. Continue breathing in this deliberate way until your sexual energy has calmed down.

Avoid Stimulating The Frenulum
The frenulum is the bulge of loose skin just below the glans head on the underside of your penis. This spot is very easily excitable and can build the man too quickly to climax. Stay away from this spot to avoid involuntary ejaculation.

Squeezing The Glans
The glans of the penis is the big smooth head at the top of the penis shaft. When ejaculation is imminent you or your partner can squeeze the glans firmly and hold on tight. With the other hand use your thumb and index finger to press firmly on both sides of your penis at the base where the penis rises from the pubic bone. This effectively cuts off the neurological ejaculatory response from your brain to your prostate and will stop the ejaculation. This technique is easiest to use when your are being stimulated orally or manually. It also requires split second timing. Do not do it if ejaculation has already begun, it can be quite painful!

Three Finger Perineum Press
When you reach a point of high arousal and you know ejaculation is close, you or your partner can press on the perineum, the stretch of skin between your anus and scrotum. In preparation for using the technique during active intercourse, try touching this spot when an ejaculation starts and you will feel the vibrations of climax in your prostate gland. This is how you will know where to press. Notice where the vibrations are strongest - usually at about the midpoint on the perineum. To delay ejaculation, when you are at the point of no return but before the ejaculation has started, press firmly on this area of the perineum with the first three fingers of either hand. You can do this yourself or your partner can do it for you. Hold until the urge to ejaculate subsides.


Learning to circulate hot sexual energy is not really difficult, but it takes discipline and practice. Within a few days of trying some of the techniques mentioned below you’ll likely notice an improvement in your ability to delay ejaculation. Real sexual energy mastery, however, may take several months or even years. But unlike childhood piano lessons this is practice you’ll look forward to!

The PC Pump
PC stands for pubococcygeus muscle. Actually the PC muscle is a group of muscles that together make up the pelvic diaphragm which stretches from your pubic bone around to your tailbone. It includes muscles used in urination and bowel movements, muscles around your anus, testicles, penis, and perineum. Pumping the PC muscle is one of the easiest, simplest and fastest ways to learn to move energy and delay ejaculation. Pumping the PC muscle means squeezing or contracting the muscle and then allowing it to relax repeatedly. Alternately you can squeeze and then push out. You can do rapid pumps or long slow ones.

When you squeeze the PC muscle you pump the hot sexual energy up from your genitals and into the upper part of your body. This prevents the sexual energy from building up to involuntary ejaculation. If you can stay relaxed and move energy away from your prostate as fast as it builds up, you can delay ejaculation as long as you want. This is how Tantric lovers are able to extend active lovemaking for 6 or 8 hours or more. By the way, strengthening your PC muscle usually results in longer and stronger ejaculations when you do have them.

Add PC pumping to your fitness routine. Build up to several hundred squeezes per day over a two week period and eventually (if you are really keen) increase to 1000 or more per day. This might sound like a lot but you can do 100 PC squeezes in a few minutes. You don’t even need to find new time to do PC pumps—try them when you are standing in line, driving your car, hoisting a few at the bar.

Make Sound
As you get more and more excited make lots of sounds. You can moan, groan, yell, scream, chant, sing, growl and make animal noises. The louder and stronger the sounds you make the more that sound will carry your sexual energy with it, up and away from your genitals. A wonderful technique is to harmonize your chanting sounds with your lover. When you do this at the peak of sexual arousal the sounds you make together can be exquisitely beautiful.

Hand Movements
Moving your hands up your body, or having your partner move her hands up your body from your genitals to the top of your head, either on the front or back of your body, is an amazingly simple but effective way to move energy. You and your partner can do this repeatedly throughout the length of your lovemaking.

The Big Draw
You can alternate relaxing your body with a conscious full-body contraction—the Big Draw. Breathe very deeply and rapidly for about a minute when you are almost ready to come. Then hold your breath and clench every muscle in your body. Tighten you fists. Curl your toes. Grit your teeth. Tighten your buttocks, abdomen, arms, legs, chest, etc. If you are lying on your back (recommended for doing the Big Draw), push off from the surface with your buttocks and neck, while arching your back. This forces the hot sexual energy up and often leads to an explosive orgasm without any ejaculation. You may also experience altered states of consciousness with this very powerful technique.


Masturbation is an excellent way to become skilled at lasting a long time. Select a private, comfortable, safe place for your practice where you will not be interrupted. A wonderful variation is to have your partner watch you masturbate. In this way you can teach her exactly how you like to be touched and stimulated. But try it a few times alone before you put on a show for your lover.

Build your arousal to approximately 75% of the way to the point of no return. As you get better at it, you can go closer to 90% or more. The point of no return is that point at which ejaculation will become involuntary, when you’re likely to ejaculate within seconds, most certainly within minutes. Stop what you are doing. Use some of the techniques above for relaxation and energy movement and allow your excitement to subside. Your erection should also subside before you start again. This allows the old blood to move out of the penis taking with it waste products. When you start to re-build your arousal, fresh blood will engorge the penis giving you a new erection. This new blood carries with it a fresh supply of oxygen and hormones bringing strength, vitality and virility. Many men ejaculate simply because they do not allow their erection to diminish every 30-45 minutes—the penis becomes exhausted and involuntary ejaculation follows quickly.

Repeat this masturbation process of building to approximately 75% of your point of no return, then stop, rest, and build again, for any number of times. As you do this pay very careful attention to what is happening in your body. Notice how your body feels as you get closer and closer to orgasm. Notice that your body gives you signals about how close to ejaculation you are: heat and hardness of your erection, rapid breathing, muscular tension, and so on. In particular look for sensations in your genital area at the prostate gland. As your sexual energy builds in the prostate it is like a pressure cooker. When the pressure gets too high, smooth muscles go into involuntary spasm, forcing the ejaculation. If you pay attention you will certainly feel something in the prostate as you approach this point of involuntary ejaculation. As soon as you feel this sensation, instead of going on to complete the ejaculation, you are going to stop stimulating yourself and rest. Notice how your body feels as you relax and let the energy (and erection) subside. Once you become adept at recognizing this feeling in your prostate during self-pleasuring, you can also be alert to this feeling during lovemaking, including active intercourse with a partner.


Change intercourse positions frequently. Experiment with various positions to find out if you can more easily delay ejaculation in some of them. There are an infinite variety of positions in the following categories: face to face, front to back, lying down, standing up, sitting, rear entry, and sideways. Some men report that it is easier for them to last longer during intercourse if the woman is on top. Also, face to face positions tend to be calmer, making it easier for the man to delay ejaculation, while rear entry positions tend to increase arousal very rapidly.

Communicate With Your Lover
You must communicate your state of arousal to your lover. If your arousal is cresting too rapidly ask her to change what she is doing, to stop what she is doing or to slow down. Give her very specific feedback on what you want and what you can stand. Be sure to do this in a loving, respectful and playful way! Some women believe that men aren’t happy with the lovemaking until they come. Let her know that you’re having a great time and want to keep on sharing your pleasure together.

Examine Your Beliefs And Assumptions About Sex And Women
Generally the more you like, respect and admire women the easier it will be to learn voluntary ejaculation. On the other hand, the more you dislike women the more difficult it will be. The simple reason for this is that you will be in a hurry when you have sex if you dislike women. Sex will tend to be a maintenance chore necessary for tension release.

With a subtle shift in the way you think, perhaps you can begin to make love instead of just having sex. Open yourself to giving and receiving pleasure rather than trying to perform. Open your heart. Allow yourself to love your partner and be loved by her. Allow yourself to feel emotions as well as physical pleasure. Quick ejaculation is one of the ways men use to deny themselves pleasure and to avoid intimacy. Extended, ecstatic lovemaking requires surrendering and being vulnerable to your partner. Many men find that when they can let go of the need to keep everything under control, including lovemaking, their ejaculation response becomes much more manageable. It is ironic that less repressive control of feelings means more “control” or mastery of ejaculation response.


If after practicing techniques for delaying ejaculation you experience a sore prostate or “blue balls”, this only means that the sexual energy is building up in your genitals faster than you can move it out. This is not dangerous, simply uncomfortable. You can relieve this discomfort immediately by ejaculating, which releases all the pressure. If the discomfort does not go away, this may mean you have a medical disorder, such as a urinary tract infection, and you should see your doctor.


In the history of western cultures, nothing has greater mystique than women's sexuality and, specifically, female desire and female orgasm. Although we are gradually progressing beyond the age-old notion that women are not supposed to have sexual pleasures (but merely be the willing vehicle for men's indulgences), many women are still uncomfortable owning and enjoying their sexual pleasures, desires, fantasies, and sources of erotic satisfaction.

Women experience their orgasmic potential in many ways, and this potential is almost as varied as each individual. However, in this culture, we often have a stereotyped image of what a woman's orgasm "should" look like. This image, influenced largely by male-oriented books, magazines and "hardcore" movies, is quite misleading and often becomes a hindrance to the woman who needs to develop her own orgasmic pleasures in whatever way suits her as an individual.

Clinical sexologists and sexual scientists define orgasm as an experience that affects the entire body involving pleasurable waves of energy, preceded by engorgement with blood of the genitals and nipples, and often accompanied by involuntary muscular contractions, changes in breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, skin color, as well as the release of chemicals in the brain causing temporarily altered states of consciousness.

Many women find that genital arousal is their favorite way to achieve orgasm. For some women, arousal results most intensely from direct stimulation of the clitoris. For others, the clitoris may be too sensitive to be touched directly and stimulation of the surrounding vulval structures may be preferred. For some women, the clitoris retracts and almost disappears as it becomes engorged with excitement. For others, the clitoris becomes more visible with excitement, filling with blood and becoming "puffed up" like the labia and the nipples.

For some women, genital arousal results most intensely from direct stimulation of the vaginal canal by a finger, a sex toy, or a penis. Many women find that the anterior wall of the vagina is especially sensitive, forming the so-called "G-spot" that can make vaginal play intensely pleasurable. For other women, the walls of the vagina seem almost without sensation. Anatomically, the sensitive roots of the clitoris extend back to the anterior wall of the vagina, so women may find one or the other or both forms of genital stimulation satisfying.

There are many variations in female anatomy that are important to consider. For example, in some women the clitoris is located relatively close to the vaginal entrance making insertive play directly stimulating to the clitoris. In others, this distance is greater, with the result that insertion of a penis, for example, does not provide sufficiently direct clitoral stimulation. In some women, the G-spot is relatively close to the vaginal entrance, in others the distance is greater, and this makes a difference in terms of what sort of penis, sex toy, or digital penetration is preferable for vaginal or G-spot stimulation.

Orgasm can occur without genital stimulation at all. Many women find themselves having orgasms in response to fantasies or exciting dreams. Many women find that they can orgasm when non-genital parts of their bodies are pleasurably stimulated. Recent scientific studies have demonstrated how orgasms can be enjoyed by spinal-cord injured women who are without genital sensation. This, in itself, shows how wonderfully varied women's orgasmic capacities can be.

When orgasm occurs, some women experience an "ejaculatory" response in which a small amount of fluid is expelled from glands located just above the vaginal entrance. This fluid is not urine, but a special substance chemically similar to the man's pre-ejaculate. Only about 25% of women ever experience this "ejaculation." Those who do should not feel embarrassed by it. Trying to stop the ejaculation will only lessen your pleasure, and may well prevent you from having orgasms at all.

Some women experience orgasm as a single event. Most women have the potential to become multi-orgasmic, experiencing a succession of orgasms during an episode of sexual play. Some women rarely experience orgasm, or may never do so. If you are one of these women, try not to think of yourself as "non-orgasmic." Rather, try to think of yourself as "pre-orgasmic," as a woman whose range of sexual pleasures could be enhanced.

Find out what you enjoy, what sensations give you the most satisfaction, and devote time to cultivating these experiences. Feeling a sense of trust and safety with your own bodily pleasures (and with the behaviors of your partner) is often necessary for orgasm, which usually requires a "letting go" of conscious control over bodily excitement. Out of anxiety, some women unconsciously prevent their orgasms, or lessen their intensity, sometimes by "holding their breath" and blocking the potentially pleasurable flow of energy through the body.

Discovering what you like, and giving pleasure to yourself, is the best way to start enriching your sexual life. Don't be shy about using sex toys such as vibrators. They are a wonderful way to learn about your body and your erotic preferences. Consult a clinical sexologist if you feel the need for help in overcoming obstacles to your pleasure.

Remember, no one can tell you how to have an your orgasm. The way you will experience the best pleasure is the way that is right for you. Orgasmic pleasure is just for you. Start by finding it for yourself. Later you can always share your joys with a partner of your choice.

By Dr. Barnaby B. Barratt, PhD, DHS, ABPP, FAPA
Director of the Midwest Institute of Sexology


Make Sexuality a Priority
Our sexuality is as much a part of health and well being as eating and exercise. Make time for your sexuality.

Celebrate Your Sexuality 
The major reason people come to see a sexologist is because they feel shameful or guilty. Sex is energy. Let go of shameful and guilty thoughts or behaviors that keep you from expressing yourself.

Keep a Sex Journal                                                           

Identify your sexual outlets and patterns. Notice who or what got you sexually excited. How many times did you think about sex? How many times did you masturbate that day. How did you masturbate? How long did you masturbate? What sensations did you notice in your body and your mind during, before and after the act? What do you want to try?

Most people who masturbate also rate a higher sexual satisfaction. Not only is it safe and fun, it allows for self-exploration. If you know what you like/dislike, you can better communicate to someone else.

Be a Dreamer
Most of our sexuality is in our mind. We can be, do and have whoever we want in our fantasies. Some of the most outrageous experiences all started with a dream. Some people use fantasies as a safe place to practice and experiment for the “real thing”, while others are happy keeping it as a fantasy and nothing more. Either way, it is a very healthy practice.

Take a Sexual Inventory
Take out a piece of paper, date it and list all the sexual acts and adventures you have done or heard about. Then, write “yes, no, or maybe” next to each of them. Most people haven’t given thought to their sexual boundaries and opportunities. It’s also useful in opening the doors for communication and determining sexual compatibility with another person.

Ask for What You Want
We should be able to ask for what we want sexually with the same ease we ask someone to pass the salt. Asking for what we want helps us get our needs met AND get consent. Don’t get discouraged. It’s a lifelong practice.

Engage in Pleasure Daily
The more we seek pleasure, the more we are able to recognize, appreciate, and ultimately realize that life IS pleasure. Sex is pleasure.

Hire a Sex Coach
Everyone should have a sex coach. My coaching is a process that allows the client to set and achieve their own desired goals and outcomes. Using a talk model, I listen without judgment and offer tools that will help you be successful and always with integrity.

source :

Dr. Sonia Borg's background is in the art and skill of communication. She has coached over a thousand people to increase self-awareness, overcome their fears, and be better communicators. Her interest in studying sex began when she noticed how difficult it was to talk openly and honestly about sex. This lead to her studies at the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. Her research studying erotic dancers taught her about female empowerment, self-expression, and fantasy as being important to our sexual selves. She is a contributing author and editor to the book “Erotic Moves.” She earned her Ph.D. in Human Sexuality and is now a sex coach in San Diego

Sabtu, 14 Juli 2007

Sexual Healing

Many survivors of sexual abuse suffer from a variety of sexual problems. Some develop a deep hatred for sex, which they see this as an invasion of themselves and their bodies by someone else. They would prefer never to be sexual again. There are others who disconnect their sexual urges from their emotional feelings and use sex as a way to blot out pain. They may prefer masturbation to having sex with another person because they are simply too uncomfortable with intimacy.

Sexual abuse is not only a betrayal of human trust and affection, but an attack on a person’s sexuality. Our sexuality is the most intimate, private aspect of who we are. Our sexuality has to do with how we feel about being male or female, and how comfortable we are with our body, our genitals, and our sexual thoughts, expressions, and relationships.

When a person has been sexually abused — whether s/he was seduced by a loved relative or was violently raped by a stranger – the person’s views and experiences of sexuality get affected by what happened. The good news is that a variety of effective healing techniques now exist to help survivors of sexual abuse to overcome the sexual repercussions caused by abuse.

The10 most common sexual symptoms of sexual abuse are:

  • Avoiding or being afraid of sex.
  • Approaching sex as an obligation.
  • Experiencing negative feelings such as anger, disgust, or guilt with touch.
  • Having difficulty becoming aroused or feeling sensation.
  • Feeling emotionally distant or not present during sex.
  • Experiencing intrusive or disturbing sexual thoughts and images.
  • Engaging in compulsive or inappropriate sexual behaviours.
  • Experiencing difficulty establishing or maintaining an intimate relationship.
  • Experiencing vaginal pain or orgasmic difficulties.
  • Experiencing erectile or ejaculatory difficulties.

    What is sexual healing?
    Sexual healing is an empowering process in which you reclaim your sexuality as both positive and pleasurable. It involves using special healing strategies and techniques to actively change sexual attitudes and behaviours, which resulted from the abuse. The process of sexual healing often includes: gaining a deeper understanding of what happened and how it influenced your sexuality, increasing your self-awareness, developing a positive sense of your sexuality, and learning new skills for experiencing touch and sexual sharing in safe; life-affirming ways.

    Sexual healing can take several months to several years, or more, to accomplish. It is considered advanced recovery work and thus, best undertaken only after a survivor is in a stable and safe lifestyle and has addressed more general effects of sexual abuse, such as depression, anger, self-blame, and trust concerns.

    There are different levels of sexual healing work that a survivor can pursue; from simply reading about recovery to engaging in a series of progressive exercises, called ‘relearning touch techniques’. These exercises provide opportunities to practice a new approach to intimate touch. While some survivors are able to progress in sexual healing on their own, others find it essential to enlist the guidance and support of a trained mental health practitioner. Professional care is recommended because of the high possibility that sexual healing will stir up traumatic memories and feelings.

    You don’t need to be in a relationship to do sexual healing work. Some exercises are designed for single survivors. However, if you have a partner, your partner needs to become educated about the sexual repercussions of abuse and learn strategies for participating actively and effectively in the healing process.

    Here are some ideas on how to get started in sexual healing:

    Learn about healthy sexuality
    A first step in sexual healing is to learn to distinguish abusive type sex from healthy sex. If you commonly use words like ‘bad’, ‘dirty’, ‘overwhelming’, ‘frightening’, ‘hurtful’ and ‘secretive’ to describe sex, you need to realise that these are descriptive of sexual abuse. ‘Healthy sexuality’ is something very different. It is characterised by choice, consent, equality, respect, honesty, trust, safety, intimacy, and sensual enjoyment. In the books that you read and the movies you watch, decrease your exposure to abusive sex images and increase your exposure to examples of sex in which partners are responsible and express love and caring for each other.

    See yourself as separate from what was done to you
    We are all born sexually innocent. Due to sexual abuse or subsequent sexual behaviour, you may erroneously believe that, sexually, you are bad, damaged goods, or merely a sexual object for someone else’s use. Let the past be past, and give yourself a healthy sexual future. You are not strapped to the negative labels an offender may have called you, or to the way you saw yourself as a result of the abuse. Now you have choice and can assert your true self with others. Old labels will disappear as you stop believing them and stop acting in ways that reinforce them.

    Stop sexual behaviours that are part of the problem
    You can’t build a new foundation for healthy sex until you have got rid of sexual behaviours that could undermine healing. Sexual behaviours that you will need to refrain from are: having sex when you don’t want to, unsafe and risky sex, extramarital affairs, promiscuous sex, violent / degrading sex, compulsive sex, and engaging in abusive sexual fantasies. It takes time to break old habits and learn how to channel sexual energy in ways that nurture the body as well as the soul.

    Learn to handle automatic reactions to touch
    Many survivors encounter unpleasant automatic reactions to touch and sex, such as: flashbacks of the abuse, fleeting thoughts of the offender, or strange reactions to something a sexual partner does or says during lovemaking. While these reactions are common, unavoidable, and even protective results of trauma, years later, they can get in the way of enjoying sex. By developing understanding and patience, you can learn to handle them effectively. When you experience an unwanted reaction to touching, stop and become more consciously aware of the reaction. Then calm your self physically with slow breathing, self-massage and relaxation techniques. As soon as you can, affirm your present reality by reminding yourself who you are now, and that you have many options. You may also want to alter the activity in some way to make it more comfortable. Automatic reactions will diminish over time as you become more aware and unresponsive to them.

    You can repair the damage done to you in the past. You can look forward to a new surge of self-respect, personal contentment and emotional intimacy. For when you reclaim your sexuality, you reclaim yourself.

  • Foreplay Tips and Techniques

    Foreplay is a fundamental part of the whole lovemaking experience. Most men and women experienced in sex will agree that the best sexual encounters should include long and sensual foreplay. A more attentive form of foreplay will bring increased pleasure to both partners, and make any sexual experience more satisfying.

    Both partners need a little extra spice to get fully aroused and achieve maximum pleasure. The man may need to prolong foreplay to get an erection and the women will usually need the same to become properly lubricated. There is no such thing as spending too much time on foreplay. The trick is to start intercourse when both partners are fully aroused and having a hard time controlling their desires from foreplay.

    Foreplay includes a range of activities such as undressing, kissing, petting, and oral sex; but you can add your own thoughts to the list. Sensitive foreplay is so important to good sex because it will help both partners enjoy sexual intercourse more, and it will especially help women reach orgasm more often. Most woman need prolonged stimulation in order to reach a complete arousal, and foreplay will provide them with the required encouragement.

    There is no such thing as the definitive foreplay; it is not about pressing the right buttons in the right order. It is about understanding what makes your partner tick and supplying those things that make the experience exceptionally pleasurable. There are many ways to give your partner extreme pleasure, and it all begins in the brain. Compliment their appearance or other attributes, especially if they have a low confidence level; show them that you care about them and what they enjoy.

    Creating the right environment for sexual intercourse is all about paying attention to the details, which is especially important at mature stages in the relationship. For example, make sure the room is warm, the lighting subdued, and the appropriate music is playing. Once the mood is right, take the time to undress each other slowly, because the act of removing your partner's clothes can be an important part of successful foreplay. Many find that undressing increases the eroticism - stimulating and intensifying the feeling.

    During foreplay, go slow; begin by kissing and caressing. A kiss is usually the first physical expression of love and desire, but it is also often forgotten during sexual intercourse. During intercourse, kiss the different parts of your partner’s body, and don’t be restricted solely to the mouth. Most women complain that their partners don't kiss long enough and rush the movement directly to the genital area. Don't be shy to experiment on every part of the body (for example, many women enjoy particular kissing and nibbling attention to the neck and shoulders), and remember to prolong the foreplay with more kissing and caressing.

    Another reason foreplay is important is for the learning experience. Foreplay is the perfect time to spend time understanding what your partner likes because without that, you will never understand what they really need to be fully stimulated. Don't be shy; ask for feedback and also give your own. Both partners gain from good communication during foreplay and lovemaking. If words fail you, either SHOW or GUIDE your partner in the direction you want, and encourage them to do the same.

    Remember that only by communication can we understand what is required to improve, and that practice makes perfect!

    Jumat, 13 Juli 2007

    10 Sex Tips for a Magical Wedding Night

    How to make sex on your wedding night unforgettable

    There's a general national myth about wedding nights; supposedly, every bride and groom have the most intimate and wonderful sex of their lives on their wedding nights. In reality, while your wedding night may be a little different, it is an intimate moment, and an opportunity. Here are ten tips that can help make your wedding night one of the best evenings of your life.

    1. Take things slowly
      Savor this moment. While you may be a little too tired to have the most technically excellent sex of your lives, this is likely to be among your most romantic and intimate sexual experiences.

    2. Lower your expectations
      So this may not be the most amazing sex you've ever had. So what? Try to just enjoy whatever happens.

    3. Read some sex books
      Who couldn't use a little advice from the experts? Some to try: The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex, Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man and Lesbian Sex Secrets for Men.

    4. Talk to each other
      Spend some time relaxing, talking about the wedding, and about your love for each other. Let things get romantic and sappy. The sex that follows will be intimate and amazing.

    5. Expand your idea of the "wedding night"
      If you're too tired for foreplay, that sex isn't going to be so great. Couldn't it be better to wait until the morning?

    6. Flirt with each other during the wedding
      It can be easy to spend the whole wedding greeting Aunt Sally and Cousin Bob, cutting the cake, and attending to a thousand other details. Don't forget to stop, stare into each other's eyes, share a few extra kisses, and flirt with each other. It will also help build the excitement for your alone time later.
    7. Don't have sex with each other for a couple of weeks before the wedding
      Many couples try this to make the wedding night sex fresh and new again. Others go even further by giving up sex months before the wedding so that they may be virgin-like on the wedding night.

    8. Try something new
      Perhaps there's been something you've been wanting to try? Your wedding night can be a fun night to experiment,

    9. Wear something special
      Wedding night lingerie can really help the mood. Pick something a little different than what you usually wear to excite your partner. Make sure you feel confident in it, as a confident lover is almost always a better lover.

    10. Set the stage
      Help yourselves get into the mood by setting the stage. Light some candles, bring some CDs and a radio, scatter rosepetals, or do whatever helps you get in the mood. And don't be afraid to kick friends and family out early. While they may tease you a little, they'll certainly understand!

    It's also a good idea to accept the fact that you may be too exhausted or tipsy to have sex. If one of you falls asleep, or isn't in the mood, remember, it's not a prediction of a doomed marriage. Spend the time relaxing and remembering how wonderful your wedding day was. And, if you'll be a virgin on your wedding night, don't forget to read Sex Tips for Virgins on Their Wedding Night

    How to Make Her Really Want You

    What man wouldn't be thrilled by the idea of an attractive woman being filled with strong desire for you? As long as you are not talking about underage participants then a WOMAN pursuing a man is okay in my book (Ok, as long as it is asked for).

    In fact, I highly recommend promoting this act of passionate discourse. How? How do you get a woman to want to rape you�jump your bones� attack the sack? You must first understand that women are a sensitive breed and they trust their instincts. So you must appeal to a woman's instincts and by that you must appeal to her SENSES.

    Sense Sational

    It is amazing how much key information you readers amass here for free. My only hope is that our efforts here are not in vain. If you read and don't try (apply) then you will never fully comprehend how simple attracting the opposite sex can be by simply following patterns, paying attention to "them" and repeating your efforts under the "numbers game" theorem.

    A woman only has five (5) senses. You have 5 opportunities to turn her on and appeal to her. You must not worry about what you don't own or what you do for a living. Real women WANT to be turned on and your social status will have little to do with it in a one-on-one conversation. When you have an opportunity to have that 1-on-1 then don't waste it on bad jokes or bad breath. Make the most of it and know that over that next few minutes all of her 5 senses are hard at work checking you out.

    1) Sight - If you look good you feel good and if you feel good you look good. That means that what you wear is as important as how you carry yourself. If you have a crappy outfit on but are smiling and happy and affable to all then she will see less of your exterior and see more of your interior. This is not to say you should not be apparel conscience because your apparel should "appeal" as well. Women are fashion savvy so just remember when it comes to dress, "don't set trends and don't break rules" and SMILE A LOT.

    2) Smell - Lift your arm up right now and smell your armpit and your hands. Do your hands and pits smell like yesterday? Cologne and aftershave are "personal" choices. Choose fragrances that flatter your natural smell and most importantly: A women should only smell your cologne if you are within "handshake" distance from her - any farther and you reek. Now lick the back of your hand three times - if you do this you can smell what your own breath smells like. Also, "pheromones" are essential to attraction so if you stink like cologne she might not pick yours up. Less is more.

    3) Hear - How you speak to a female is so very important. First and foremost if SHE is talking then you are golden. She will hear that you are interested in her by what you ASK HER or talk about. Smile often and look her in the eye so she thinks you are sitting on every word. When she asks you a question or finishes her own answer then immediately ask her another question about herself. People like to talk about themselves. She will take your good listening behavior as a turn on because you appear interested in HER. When you do speak - now it is important to appeal to HER HEARING. Speak clearly, not loudly, use soft tones when possible and shorten your stories to the most interesting points. Don't be afraid to paint pictures that are suggestive. Instead of telling a story of you going "swimming" tell a story of you going "skinny dipping". That "sounds" sexier.

    4) Touch - Everybody has their own "bubble" and when a female does not know you yet she does not want you in hers. However, if you look and smell good and are a good listener then by this point it is safe to say she is a little more comfortable now. "Handshake length" is how close you should stand or sit next to a woman you have NOT been intimate with yet. You sit close enough for her to see, smell and hear you but you sit this close so if she decided to touch you then she could with ease. If you two are chatting in a bar etc. then you should only touch her on the arm and only when making a point in your story or if you two share a laugh. She might do the same. If she is walking in front of you then when you open a door for her only touch her on the lower back. These show "respect" in touching and lets her know you want HER in YOUR bubble.

    5) Taste - You are thinking how I can get a girl with my taste buds. Well, I just told you in the last 4 paragraphs. You see "manners and etiquette" fall under the taste umbrella. If you are in the presence of a female that is interested in you and you follow the last four paragraphs then TASTE will be the topper. Tease her. Your polite, mannered behavior will tease her because now she is in front of a well dressed, well spoken, sweet smelling, non invasive male who is a good listener. At this point - if she is really interested - make her wait - tease her as long as you can because my friend she wants to rape you.

    Wow, did we really get there that fast? Is it really that simple? We just have to smell good, listen well and be confident? Women will jump our bones if we listen to their stories and excite their olfactory? Yes, yes and yes again. The truth in this formula is that when you "excite" a sense you in fact turn it on. The more senses of a female that you can "turn on" the harder it will be to turn her off. She will feel, smell and see all of your strong traits that she likes and will embrace them literally. So when she bum rushes past "handshake length" to rape you make sure you show good taste and thank her.

    The Right Sex Position

    Here�s the deal: As long as men are obsessed with their erections and getting to intercourse with a woman as quickly as possible, while women are obsessed with their poor self body image and too frightened to tell their male partner what they need to happen in order for them to orgasm, both sexes will continue to be greatly frustrated with each other and sex in general.

    So here�s a challenge I�d like to throw down to every male reader. I�d like each and every one of you to step back from your obsession with intercourse and instead focus that energy on learning all you can about the female sexual response for a solid three months.

    My challenge for our female readers? Twofold � first I want you to learn all you can about just what it takes to get you to orgasm in the first place, and then I want you to find the courage to share this information with you male partner � for a solid three months.

    If each of you reading this column would actually take the challenge seriously it would mean that by spring we�d have thousands of men and women far more sexually savvy and better prepared to enjoy their sex lives. Imagine the happiness and stress relief! And we�ve made it easy for you by having at least a month�s worth of great ideas for improving your sex life right here on this site (if not more).

    So what has this challenge to do with the right sexual positions? Absolutely everything. Remember, a huge majority of women never orgasm from intercourse, and of those who do, very few are able to each and every time. This information, rather than galvanizing the sexes to get down to business and figure out a better way, has instead helped to make men selfish during sex, thinking more of their own �performance and stamina� rather than their partner�s enjoyment.

    Think about it men, how often would you want to have intercourse if the following happened just about each and every time you participated in it:

    1. You never reach orgasm from it.

    2. Just when you were starting to feel something your partner felt the need to twist into a new position, or had her orgasm so things came to a screeching halt.

    3. Rather than feeling pleasure from intercourse your partner insisted on positions that made intercourse uncomfortable or painful for you.

    Sounds pretty dreadful doesn�t it? Welcome, my dear men, to the sexual world many women live in. Now of course it�s not all men�s fault. Nope. This whole charade of women lying about having an orgasm when they haven�t has got to stop pronto. What starts out innocently enough out of fear of harming a man�s ego, ends up being the very thing that keeps real sexual connection from happening. So too does the habit many women have of automatically putting the responsibility for their orgasms into the hands of their male partners � without sharing crucial information with their partners about what she needs in order to make them happen.

    Everyone, you see, is responsible.

    So back to the right sexual position, and exactly what that means. The right sexual position is one that allows the woman enough direct clitoral stimulation to reach an orgasm while at the same time keeping the man in enough comfort and stimulation (but not too much) to keep going until this can be accomplished. Since each and everyone of us is unique, however, there isn�t a �magic� position that works for everyone. Also, it�s important to get the idea out of your head that using your hands for clitoral stimulation is cheating. For many women there just isn�t any other way � but whose hands to use (of course) is up to you. Personally I think mixing it up is a good idea.

    To make life easier for everyone I highly recommend (especially in the beginning when you�re still learning what works) that the woman either have already had an orgasm via oral sex before starting intercourse, or that she be very close to coming. Why via oral sex? Because it�s the softest way. The action of a man�s tongue isn�t going to make her sore, which you want to avoid at all costs. Also, many women need a good twenty minutes or more of direct stimulation before achieving the first orgasm, but a second orgasm usually happens far more quickly.

    Many positions only need a slight variations in order to become one that a woman will find satisfying. I know many men are obsessed with �doggy style� since it�s a position they see so often in porn but remember guys, porn isn�t real sex � it�s entertainment. Doggy style is a position that�s all about entertainment because it allows the viewer to see as much as possible. This position doesn�t do much to stimulate the first third of the vagina (the most sensitive section) for most women, however, but if the man stimulates the woman�s clitoris at the same time what use to be something a woman did because it thrilled her man, can instead become a position pleasurable for both.

    However, I do need to mention that the deep style thrusting that �doggy style� allows is just too deep for many women. They complain of the jarring pain of a penis hitting their cervix (note, this isn�t all women, so you need to ask), and that they feel like a �masturbation machine� for their partner because the position�s lack of intimacy. If this is something you�ve felt, or your lover has complained about, why not try a variation? Why not try entering a woman from behind while you�re both on your knees? To steam it up you can face a large mirror so that you both get a good view of exactly what�s happening. In order for the man to get the right thrusting action going to keep his erection the woman may need to lean forward a bit onto the mirror, however, this still means the man�s hands are free to stimulate the woman.

    The main thing to keep in mind is that that it may take awhile to find the right position that works for both of you. Many women feel too exposed when they�re on top and a man�s laying flat. Things start to fall apart when women become self conscious, so why not have the man sit up leaning against a stack of pillows so that it�s easy to continue kissing, whispering, etc? Also, any caressing or stimulating he does with his hands of the nether regions of her pelvic floor are going to aid in her sexual arousal as well�

    The art of long-term sexual compatibility

    The days of first dates and excitement are long gone and you are feeling as though sex will not be exciting any more. However, there are couples who manage to experience sparkles even after 20 years of living together. There are few of them-all because maintaining good sexual relationships requires time and efforts. The best way to turn long-term routine into long-term good sex is to keep in mind some simple rules.

    1.Be open to each other

    At the initial stage of the relationship, we are used to the feeling of anticipation and close our eyes on details we consider minor. We are happy to HAVE sex and the only possibility of physical intimacy titillate our body to a mere presence of the beloved one. However, sexual obsession with each other is not long term. Reality of sex much more complex than what a hot erotic movie shows us.

    There are a lot of situations were you need to tell about inconvenience or how you wish your partner to act in so many intricate situations. You may not always like what your partner does and vice versa. Very often we hide things that should be discussed openly out of fear to hurt your partner's feelings, when in fact we breed dissatisfaction.

    2.Accept the differences

    We are the one- one completes the other. This sounds good for a good novel -not for real sexual relationships. Just like each of us has his own individuality, our sexual needs can be different too. This doesn't mean he is pervert and you are normal or otherwise. Your partner has its own physical urges and they may be not all like yours.

    Accepting your partner's differences doesn't mean you should do things that go against your will or your own desires. You should not panic to know that your mate may like something that you consider unusual or "disgusting". Your differences is strong engine to move both of you forward, and developing your relationships.

    3.Become closer emotionally

    Sex is closely connected with our attitude towards each other. You may be tempted to make up with your partner after a quarrel, but as practice shows sex is not a solution to other problems and won't bring you together if you haven't talked over the difficult matter first. Good sex is about having understanding on other levels and this first of all refers to emotional connection.

    Don't make a habit to have sex when you are nervous or worried just to release from tension. It's better at least to calm down first and take things step by step.

    4.Get off the beaten path

    When you started dating, you both didn't think much about sexual compatibility. With the time, many couples are well aware of the ways to satisfy each other's urges the best possible way. However blissful it may seem, sex that goes according to a well-known scenario son becomes no more exciting than brushing your teeth.

    You may ask- why try new things if you know one sure way to bring each other to the highest peak of pleasure? It's simple - there can be even better than you thought. Your preferences may change, you may find new sources for satisfaction. Even if some ideas seemed weird at first, later it can become your favorite.

    Increase Male Libido

    Increase Male Libido - Don't Think Testosterone Think Nitric Oxide
    Many men who want to increase their libido think that they need to increase their testosterone, but in most cases they don’t need to they need to ensure their getting enough Nitric Oxide.

    If you don’t know why nitric oxide is so important in increasing libido, read on and find out.

    The Critical Role of Nitric Oxide

    Without sufficient nitric oxide production you will not be able to get an erection, even if you have sufficient testosterone. Let’s look at the key role that nitric oxide plays in increasing male libido and the erection process. The erection process starts with sensory stimulation in the brain.

    These impulses are then transmitted to the nervous system, which then sees the release of nitric oxide take place. The penis muscles relax, allowing blood to flow into the spongy tissue of the penis and ensure enough blood enters to create an erection.

    Nitric Oxide declines naturally as we age.

    Men as they get older turn to Viagra and testosterone boosting supplements, when the real need may simply be to boost nitric oxide levels.

    Getting It Naturally

    L- Arginine natures Viagra

    The above is defined as a non essential amino acid and is necessary for normal functioning of the pituitary gland, production decreases with age affecting sex drive. In 1988 researchers discovered that L-arginine's overall health benefits were due primarily to its role in the production of nitric oxide.

    L-arginine stimulates the release of nitric oxide from the walls of blood vessels, improving circulation and allows blood to flow to the genital area during sexual stimulation.

    L-arginine has been proven in clinical testing to relax the muscle walls of the arteries and increase blood flow to the penis.A study in 1994 showed an 80% improvement in erections of men given 2.8 grams of argentine a day, after they had taken the supplement for two weeks.

    There are other supplements that are also believed to help in the production of nitric oxide and they include: Horny goat weed, ginseng and Gingko Bilbao, which have been used in China for thousands of years to treat men with erectile dysfunction.

    A Natural alternative

    Of course, there are many inputs that go into the strength of the male sex drive, but looking at nitric oxide first and increasing levels with the above supplements will do no harm and will improve your overall sex and circulatory health.

    For men who are generally in good health and are suffering simply from flagging libido, the above supplements are clinically proven to help increase libido, increase sexual satisfaction and provide stronger erections.

    So, if your sex drive is flagging don’t think testosterone think nitric oxide first.

    5 Tips For Improving Your Sex Skills

    Today we are going to learn the simple yet highly effective ways of having highly enhanced and long lasting sex.
    1. Exercise Turning On and Off This tip is for men. I want you to exercise a skill which is useful for exponentially increasing your success in sexual performance. Females get turned on when they can not predict what your next move is going to be? Kiss their lips a bit then sit back. Allow them to ask for more. Caress them and suddenly move to kiss their neck a thousand times. Then again watch them straight in their eyes.It gives them a feeling of a natural progression from initial kiss to foreplay and finally the climax.
    2. Eye Contact Most of the men are guilty of not having enough eye contact with the woman they are making love to. Women love to have their male counterparts coming closer and looking straight into their eyes while nibbling their breasts or kissing their lips very delicately. Remember. The key here is to experience the most fantastic gift that God has given to mankind. What better way than to see it all. And above all eyes speak a lot than words do.
    3. Every time use a new prop To kill monotonous sexual practice you need to have a different prop every time.
    It could be:
    1.) Scented oil for massaging.
    2.) Chocolate.
    3.) Vibrator.
    4.) Scarf.
    And the list goes on...Use the entire place available in the room. One cool place could be the floor. Spice up your sex life with a different and pleasing prop.
    4. Talk to her slowly in her ears The most sensuous organ according to me is the ear. Women love when men kiss and move their finger tips on their ear lobes. Notice the goose bumps that they get and mention that slowly in their ears. Tell them slowly what you are going to do next. This creates anticipation. For example: If you are going to kiss their tits. Mention it to them and then slowly do it. They would enjoy it.
    5. Use Finger tips Men should use their finger tips for moving all along your partner's divine body. Caress them .Slowly move your fingers from the shoulder to the back of their neck and on their back side while kissing them. Curl your fingers around their breasts and just move the finger tips on their lips to feel them.Women would hold you tight once they get aroused by these movements.
    These are initial ways of arousal.

    The Problems Of High Blood Pressure And Sex

    Most people who are suffering from high blood pressure experience little if any symptoms at all, but the effect which this condition can have on your sex life if often significant and signs of sexual difficulty can sound a warning bell.

    The effect of high blood pressure is to damage the lining of your blood vessels and to cause hardening of your arteries so that your heart is forced to work harder to pump blood around your body. This in turn raises the pressure in your arteries. In addition, the damage to your arteries results in a general reduction in the flow of blood throughout your body.

    As far as men are concerned this general reduction in blood flow also means a reduced flow of blood to the penis and difficulty in both achieving and maintaining an erection. It also means that, even when you can achieve and maintain an erection, high blood pressure can create problems with ejaculation.

    For the majority of men the appearance of the first signs of sexual dysfunction is very worrying and concern that, having happened for the first time, the problem might well re-appear. This leads some men to avoid sex so that not only does the event cause them distress, but it also often generates problems in their relationship with their sexual partner.

    In the case of women the effect of high blood pressure is not as clearly defined and, at this time, has not been well researched. We do know however that high blood pressure causes a lower flow of blood to the vagina, leading to lower sexual desire and arousal, vaginal dryness and problems in achieving orgasm.

    As with men, most women find this event very worrying and will again shy away from sex, putting their relationship with their sexual partner under strain.

    The news in not all bad though and today there are a number of things which can be done to solve the problem, including getting your doctor to prescribe suitable medication. The first step in the process therefore if high blood pressure in causing problems in your sex life is to consult your doctor.

    Spot the first sign of high blood pressure and find the best home blood pressure monitor.

    Article Source:

    Erotic Communication

    Most of us know that communication is essential to great sex, but our words can also be used as a powerful aphrodisiac. Erotic communication enhances our sexual pleasure, connects us more deeply with our lover and increases our passion. Erotic communication is not something that we should do just during the act of lovemaking; it is something we want to incorporate into part of our daily routine. The right erotic words at the right time can build a burning inferno, make your lover weak and breathless and enhance your orgasms immensely.

    We can begin with little sensual, loving, erotic statements throughout the day where we tell our lover things such as:
    “You felt wonderful last night.”
    “You have a gorgeous ass.”
    “I love your body.”
    “You’re really important to me.”
    “You are so sexy and make me so excited.”
    “You’re lips taste so good.”
    “You feel so good in my arms.”

    By communicating with our lover in this way on a regular and frequent basis, we keep the flow of passion going and increase our intimacy.

    To build that level of passion to a higher level we can call our lover at work and tell them either in person or on their voice mail:
    “Hey baby, tonight when you get home I can’t wait to run my tongue up and down the length of your shaft. I’m thinking about you. See you tonight.”
    Or “Hello sweetheart just wanted to let you know I’m not wearing any panties and my pussy is so hot and wet. See you tonight.”

    Or as your lover is on the way out the door kiss them and tell them what delicious things you will be doing to their body when you see them again.

    By planting these little erotic messages in their head it stays with them when they are away and they fantasize about it and then desires and passion mount and when you are together again it enhances your sexual experience together.

    As we approach the act of lovemaking and during the act there are numerous words we can use to increase excitement, express our feelings and enhance our pleasure. We can tell our lover how much we want them, how attractive they are and how much we enjoy them. Phrases such as these can be very effective:
    “You feel so good.”
    “You feel so fucking good.”
    “It turns me on when you lick me like that.”
    “I want you so bad.”
    “I want your cock inside me now.”
    “I love you.”
    “You’re a fantastic lover.”

    Let your lover know how much you enjoy his penis or her vagina and how great it is.
    “Oh baby, your cock feels so good.”
    “Oh sweetheart your pussy is so beautiful.”
    Whatever it is you are feeling, tell them. It will drive them wild.

    We can also use erotic communication to guide our lover to satisfy us more fully. To let them know what we want, what we like and what feels good, try some phrases like these: “Oh honey, that feels so good when you lick my nipples, but it would feel even better if you did it like this,” and then show them what you want. Or, “That really feels great baby, but I would really love it if you would move your hand a little faster or slower,” whatever the case may be. “Oh that feels fantastic, but can you touch me here” and guide your lover’s hand where you need to be touched.

    After sex we can use erotic words to complete the act, to leave each other satisfied and to enhance intimacy and closeness.
    “That was great sweetheart, I particularly liked it when you did …..”
    “Oh, sweetheart you are such a fantastic lover.”
    “Oh I love to make love with you or I love to fuck you,” whatever you’re in the mood for.

    We can also use erotic moans, groans, ooohs, ahs, and yes’s. These can be just as arousing as words themselves. They will give cues to your lover as to what you are enjoying. It is likewise a big turn on for your man to hear you make moans of pleasure when giving him oral. He loves to hear how much you enjoy him.

    An important factor in erotic communication is for each partner to know what words turn them on and to communicate this to the other. There are different styles of language for different people and what is erotic and stimulating for one can be a turn off for another. One person may want to hear this: “I want to make love with you” and another person may want to hear “I want to fuck you,” or another person may want to hear “I want you so bad.” Or the same person may want to hear all these different statements depending on what they are in the mood for at that particular time. Sometimes we want to make love and other times we want to fuck.

    So it is very important to know and respect your lover’s style and to let your lover know yours. Tell your lover what you want and ask them what they want to hear. Tell your lover to tell you: “ Oh baby your pussy tastes so good” or “I love your pussy.” If a particular word is offensive to you then inform your lover of that. For instance, I am offended by the word “cunt,” it is a total turn off for me. If that word or any other word is offensive to you, then you need to let your lover know or it will interrupt your eroticism. If your lover enjoys words that are not erotic for you, then you should discuss this outside the bedroom and find mutually arousing words or you could agree on taking turns on saying what the other one wants to hear.

    If this is a new behavior for you, it may feel awkward at first, but with practice you will become more comfortable. You can try saying these words and statements when you are alone, out loud, to begin the process. Sometimes we may have negative associations with certain words and it may take some time to associate the words with something positive.

    Learn to caress your lover with words and the passion and desire between you will be blazing.

    Safe sex

    Safe sex tips: How you can prevent
    getting or passing-on HIV and other STDs

    Using condoms during anal and vaginal sex will stop most types of STD. Use latex condoms and water-soluble lube, and squeeze out air from the tip of the condom. There are also non-latex alternatives available, but if you use lambskin, cover it with a latex condom. Pulling out before you come might guard against infection if the condom breaks during intercourse.

    If the condom breaks, urinating immediately after sex and washing your penis with soap and water may help prevent urethral infections, although this method is not very reliable.

    During oral sex, don’t get semen, blood or vaginal fluid in your mouth, since there is a risk (low) of picking up HIV and hepatitis B this way. Using a condom prevents spreading HIV and other STDs from oral sex.

    It is also advisable not to perform oral sex within two hours of flossing or brushing your teeth, since these activities could cause cuts in the gums, providing entry points for HIV.

    Similarly, you should be careful after recent dental surgery, or if you have problems with bleeding gums or other sores in your mouth. If you’re worried because someone has performed oral sex on you, washing and urinating may help, as noted above.

    Performing oral sex may also expose you to hepatitis A and parasites. The virus can be present anywhere in the anal area or on fingers which have touched the anus of an infected person.

    Rimming is risky for the person doing the rimming, since it may expose them to parasites and hepatitis A. You and your partners should wash the anal area thoroughly, before engaging in any oral contact near the anus. Douching is not a good idea, since it can damage the anal canal and drive infections further in.

    Sex toys can pass on parasites, hepatitis A, HIV and a number of other STDs. Cover sex toys with condoms, or wash them carefully with bleach and rinse well before and after using. Keep in mind that the lining of the anus is easily damaged by fists, dildos and other sex toys, so precautions should be taken.

    Routine testing is very important for people who have casual sex. You can pick up a number of STDs without having symptoms, so testing may be your only way of knowing whether or not you’re infected.

    If you have casual sex, get a syphilis blood test at least once a year, depending on how many different partners you have had, and whether or not you had unprotected sex. You may also need urethral, anal and throat swabs for gonorrhea and chlamydia, depending on what sexual activities you engage in.

    Get an HIV blood test, to find out if you’ve been infected with HIV. Don’t assume you’re negative because you feel well, or because you haven’t had unsafe sex for a long time. Also, don’t assume that your sexual partners are HIV negative. Keep in mind that there is now a lot you can do to stay well, if you test positive. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

    Consider getting vaccinated for hepatitis A and hepatitis B, if you are at risk (i.e. multiple sexual partners, or sharing needles).

    Inform your sexual partner(s) if you have an STD. Speak to a nurse or counsellor first to decide whom you need to inform.

    Do notdonate blood, semen or organs, unless you know you have never been infected with HIV, hepatitis or syphilis.

    Hassle Free Clinic · 66 Gerrard Street East · 2nd Floor · Toronto · Ontario · Page updated: 17 August 2002

    Kamis, 12 Juli 2007

    Sex is the best way to make up

    It starts all of a sudden and no one know who was the first to blow. Insulting remarks and furious faces lead you far from the initial topic of your discussion. Are you in the mood to kiss? Ouch. And what about having sex? Many men would do it eagerly, while women are more reluctant to have any sexual contact with their partner. This lies in the gender differences: men are used to see sex more detached from emotional side, while for a woman it's often two of a kind things. She cannot even imagine how can you touch her at such a stressful moment.

    This approach is mistaken. In fact, research published by Psychosomatic Medicine suggested that sex is the best stress reliever as sexual contact increase the oxytocin hormone released after orgasm makes you more friendly. This means only one: you had a fight-have sex and all your misunderstandings disappear. However strange it may seem, sex is really a good way to make up, but only if you had a minor “fight”. The thing is that after a quarrel many people feel that emotions run high and this stimulates their physical activity. Sex after fight is like fresh air for intimate relationships from time to time.

    However, there should be certain conditions to consider. For example, in case you were not sexually in tune with your partner before, the dissatisfaction from the “sex after fight” can only deepen. Besides, some pre-communicating is essential or you can expect a heavy smack rather than hot night, especially if the reasons of your fight are serious. And last but not the least, it's better to yield than argue. When you are in his or her shoes, you better understand the motives of one's behavior.

    Woman on top: how to ride a man

    Woman on top sex position can be not only very gratifying for a woman but also one of the most favorite guy's position. The reason is simple: being the receiver in the process of lovemaking, he can simply enjoy the ride while watching the beautiful curves of female body. However, being on top doesn't only mean you sit there and move. In order to derive most pleasure from top sex position, woman and men need to find the best comfortable and enjoyable angle to move.

    There are a lot of variations to woman on top sex position. You can choose some of them:

    1. Man lies on his back, woman leans forward towards man's face, resting on her hands.
    2. Man lies on his back, woman faces away from man.
    3. Man is sitting with his legs wide open, woman embraces him sitting on top and facing him.
    4. Man is sitting, woman is sitting on him facing away.
    5. Man lies on his back, woman is lying on him with her legs along his body.
    6. Man is sitting with his legs wide open, woman lies on her back ,facing the man, resting on her elbows and her legs around man's waist.

    All these variations are important insofar both of you feel comfortable. For a woman, finding the right angle can be crucial to increase her pleasure and that is individual thing.

    Advantages of "woman on top" position

    Better stimulation of woman's sensitive zones: clitoris, G-spot.

    Many women ask why orgasm never happens during an intercourse. Female orgasm results when many factors are involved. Clitoral teasing may be one of the most crucial factors for woman to orgasm easier and faster. When she is on top, she can add clitoral stimulation either by leaning so that the clitoris would be stimulated by pubic bone or a man could play with woman's clit to speed up her orgasm.

    Talking about G-spot, here the sex position is about the right angle and motion. Of course, it doesn't mean you should bend his penis in all the possible directions. As the G-spot is located on the front vaginal wall, the best position would be the one that lets male penis reach G-spot which is better achieved with woman either facing away from man or bending forward, but again it's a matter of individual preferences.

    Better control over the depth and rhythm of penetration.

    When a man penetrates a woman he is the one to set the pace. But sometimes this rhythm doesn't appeal to a woman who for example needs it slow or otherwise wilder. When she is on top, she can experiment with a variety of pleasure positions and enjoy the rhythm she chooses herself.

    One of the most interesting techniques in this position is to squeeze pelvic muscles around the penis while penetrating. For a man tightening muscles around his penis create a nice stimulating feeling.

    For a man, the most pleasure is derived when his penis is better stimulated. Some men find it pleasant when a woman thrusts his penis in up-down motion, others are content with woman's slow sliding motions. In fact, a man has less control in this position that means woman should master the art of "riding". A man can help his partner by holding her hips and guiding her to the most pampering rhythm.

    Visual stimulation

    For many men the pleasure derived from looking at their beloved woman's body is as equally arousing to the sexual act itself. Give him the possibility to view the process, embracing him, touching and kissing to create that special atmosphere between both of you.

    Mastering Premature Ejaculation

    You might know premature ejaculation too well. You're young, you're inexperienced, you're nervous as hell about "performing," and "being the man," and then the very worst you can imagine happens - seconds after slipping inside her velvet glove the meltdown occurs.

    Suddenly the horrible phrase "premature ejaculation" is you and you've shot your wad before even pumping your hips once and all you want is for the mattress to swallow you whole…

    Or, maybe you're not so young, but you've gone through a bit of a dry spell (okay, it's been a friggin desert) and you've finally met someone cool again, someone you could really get into, and it's the night the clothes come off and you're getting down to business at last and you're doing the deed - but all of a sudden it's over before you've even begun. You've become a statistic. You're one of those poor sods with a premature ejaculation problem.

    Here's the straight dope, the above two examples are two of the most frequent groups of men who experience premature ejaculation, but according to the Journal of the American Medical Association one third of men surveyed admitted to having the problem at one time or another.

    It's All About the Sensations

    So the good news is you're not alone. And here's more good news. It's a solvable dilemma. Premature ejaculation is a problem with a cure - but the path to "keeping it up" is probably exactly the opposite of what you've imagined it should be. You've probably thought, or tried to avoid the impact of those amazingly good sensations that lead to orgasm during intercourse by doing things like math in your head while you're getting it on.

    But that's exactly the opposite of what you should be doing. Way back in the 70's sex experts such as Dr. William Masters and Dr. Virginia E. Johnson pioneered a totally different approach - becoming totally aware of exactly what's going on with your body, That's right, you need to study your own sexual response in order to find out exactly where your "point of no return" is.

    Do Your Homework

    To start off this is a solo project, a one-man job - but rather than doing your normal falling into fantasy routine, spend the time during masturbation concentrating on the pleasurable sensations going on in your body. It's going to take trial and error to figure out when it gets too much to bear and you flip into the land of orgasm and ejaculation (yes, the two are actually separate occurrences, even though it feels like they're on in the same).

    The goal is to teach yourself to learn exactly where you need to cool down before going over the edge - and then learning to slowly expand that amount of time. When you hit this point stop all hand action. Let yourself totally chill down. Once you can do this successfully, you can graduate to learning how to switch from high stimulation to lower stimulation.

    But have faith; it's going to take awhile to teach your body new skills. And even though premature ejaculation totally sucks, at least the homework assignment doesn't.

    But of course the point of this whole exercise is to be able to control yourself with the ladies, so…

    Practicing with a Partner

    Once you can successfully masturbate to a high level of arousal and then back off to lower but constant stimulation, and can go up and down with this program for a good while (say 15 minutes) you're probably ready to move trying things out with a partner.

    Sure it's terrifying to admit to a woman you've got the hots for that you've got a premature ejaculation issue, but if she's your long-term partner she already knows, right? If she's someone new, well, I've got two ideas to give you courage: The first is that the majority of women never ever orgasm from intercourse alone.

    That's right, I said never ever. So all of this pressure you're putting on yourself to be able to keep it up for ever while you're banging away at her is totally fruitless. It's more important that you can communicate with her and find out what she needs in addition your Johnson inside of her in order to get her to nirvana.

    Which brings me to the second point. Learning to not premature ejaculate with a woman is all about communication. You're going to need her help, so you might as well make peace with the process and make it a fabulous learning experience for the both of you while you're at it.

    So you've got the courage up to get naked with her again and give it the old Boy Scout try. Great, just don't expect yourself to walk before you can run. The key word here is less is more, no thrusting right off the bat. Remember, a real live hot wet female is going to be a lot more exciting to your private parts than your stale old fantasies so simply entering her can bring on a premature ejaculation.

    Go slow, and be okay with pulling out if you feel yourself close to the edge. Let her help, give her a signal word that means things have to stop NOW. She can also practice the "squeeze" technique with you where once you give the signal that things have to stop she stops the blood flow to your penis by squeezing the base of it, or just under the head.

    In Closing

    Remember to keep her body engaged in this process so that she doesn't get tired and so and bored with you going in and out. When you can move to slowing stimulation rather than stopping it altogether, pull out of her and use your penis to stimulate her outer sexual lips and vagina to keep her juices flowing, or be a total gentleman and let your tongue sink between her thighs for a little love before getting it back in the game again yourself again.

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