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Selasa, 07 Agustus 2007

Sex Guide - Masturbation


Rarely discussed and often practised. 94% of men do it and 80% of women do it – although men do it twice as often as women. These figures drop only slightly after marriage – men at 72% and women at 68%. So there you go – it's all around you.

There's no real need to explain how to do it to yourself nor is there really any need to describe how to do it to your partner – ask them to show you. This can be very erotic, indeed it is the fuel of many a male fantasy, and can shake off many inhibitions.

Start by showing each other one technique that you use on yourself and then give your partner a go. You can use masturbation to bring your partner to climax or take them only part of the way and move on to another activity. It can also be a good way of learning about your own sexual responses – learning how to postpone ejaculation during masturbation, for example, can make men better lovers.

Lubricants can aid masturbation as can dildos – the only limits are your imagination. When you're on your own it allows for the wildest fantasies and when you're with your partner it shows them just how you like to be touched.


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